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We’re all humans. We all get off-course and sometimes need to push reset.
While for some people this may be seen as “failure”— there can be a great deal of joy in taking the time to reset when needed!
Keep on reading to learn more!

The Joy of a Reset:
Every once in a while, we— being humans— tend to hit a spot where we need to take a reset.
This may look like resetting ourselves in the moment through taking a long deep breath, taking a day to regroup or taking longer stretches to reboot.
Either way, a reset is quite possibly one of the most powerful (and joyful!) things we can do when we are feeling perhaps a bit stuck, a bit limited or a bit not like the person we want to be.
However, when you are in need of a reset— I feel like that’s when fear and doubt can creep in like crazy!
There are three key points about resetting that are important to remember…
Taking a Break vs. Resetting
Some may see these two words to mean the same thing, but I really feel like there is an important and key difference between the two.
Taking a break=stepping away and coming back the same person
Resetting=stepping away and coming back a new person
When you take a break, you are fully expecting to come back and go back to “business as usual”. However, when you take a reset, you are coming back in a whole new way, with a whole new way of seeing things.
Both are welcome and important to do, but when it comes to wanting your joy back… I feel, personally, usually a reset is in order.

#1: A Reset Does Not Equal Failure:
One thing about hitting reset is… it doesn’t mean failure— in fact it means more of things working. When we reset a device, it’s because it isn’t working like it needs to… and after we reset it, it tends to go back to working again.
There is joy in resetting because it means you are going to come out better on the other side of it. You are not going to be glitching like before, but showing up clearer and more like you want to!
#2: A Reset Does Not Mean Starting Over
I feel like there is a common feeling out there that equates resetting with starting over. However, the two are synonymous!
Starting over, to me, means completely starting again at square one.
Resetting, I believe, is going forward with more knowledge than before.
An image I see is a tower of play wooden blocks. If the whole thing came crashing down because of a structural error, starting over again would be building the whole tower again without utilizing the knowledge that you learned from why the structural error led to it coming crashing down. To reset is to take that knowledge of how that structural error led to the tower falling down and using that knowledge as you rebuild again.
That’s where some of the joy is in resetting— you aren’t just “starting over” without any new knowledge gained— you have learned lessons and you will be able to improve upon whatever is to come forth with that new knowledge gained.
#3: A Reset Does Not Mean Giving Up
When you do a nutrition cleanse, that is a reset of sorts for your body.
It doesn’t mean you are giving up on your body. Actually, it means you are doing something that will later serve your body greatly in the future.
It’s the same thing whenever you reset something in your life.
Your resetting is a positive thing for your future.
It doesn’t mean you are doing something harmful—it’s quite the opposite— you are doing something that is healthy and better for you in the long-term. That’s where the joy is in this last point…resetting= better outcomes in the long run!

On a Personal Note…
One of my pillars for this space is authenticity.
It’s also a personal pillar in my life— I truly and deeply appreciate being genuine in life.
Given this, I have to be authentic and say— I need to push reset.
Not just for this space, but for my whole life.
While I talk and talk about joy in this space and on my social media platforms— I, honestly, have not been feeling all that much joy.
I feel… a little bit burned out.
I am so thankful I recognized this before I felt like I needed to completely abandon ship, but I still feel exhausted— and it is time for me to push reset.
Much like a computer or any electronic— you can often tell when you need to reset it. It starts acting out of sorts, not optimal. So (as my brother and I tell our parents) you unplug it, and plug it back in again.
That’s what I, personally, am needing. I need to unplug and plug myself back in again.
For me, this means:
- Practicing what I preach—I have been so busy trying to write and talk about these joyful tips that I haven’t actually maintained a solid practice with them like I used to. And I can tell.
- Not putting pressure to publish ___ times a month/week/day here or on my social media.
- Really tapping into my intuition and letting it guide me through this season a bit (this may look like publishing every single day or taking a bit of a break, my mind really doesn’t know at this point!).
- Putting more rest and play into my days.
- Posting FROM my joy not FORCING joy. I have been feeling a bit, well, fake, lately. I’m someone who talks about joy, but I haven’t been feeling very joyful lately. I feel as though I have been trying to force joy when I’ve been posting and sharing lately rather than posting from a space of already feeling joyful, if that makes sense? I want to share my moments of true, genuine joy with you.
I really and truly love what I do on this space. And I want to continue. But, I want to continue from a place of going back to living in my joy. That’s what this space is all about, and I have felt a bit disconnected from my joy lately.
Ironically, I have to say… there is joy in me even saying all this (truly!).
I have always loved a reset— the New-Year in January, going back-to-school in the fall, or even just starting a new week. There’s something refreshing in taking the time to reflect where I can grow from my lessons I learned and taking the time to implement those lessons learned.
I am certainly still going to be present on here—but truly, I’m just not entirely sure how it’s going to look in the future. It might look the exact same, or it might change slightly or it may change a lot.
As I said, I need to take the time to really connect with my inner sense of joy and my intuition again. It’s what lead me to creating this space in the first place— so I know it’s always got something wonderful up its sleeve. I can’t wait to see what it is!

More Than Just a Break: Resetting to Spark Joy