Introducing Our Joy People Series: Real Stories, Real Inspiration

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Introducing a new series for the Joyfilled Seeker—the Joyfilled People series!

I am so excited about this series, and it is my hope that it will allow us all to learn more about joy from amazing new perspectives!

Keep reading to find out more about this series!


When I first envisioned this space, the original idea that popped into my head was the idea of creating a social media space where I could share different people’s perspectives on the concept of joy.

As is life where we are constantly evolving, this idea morphed into this site, and I am so honored that I get to come back to my original joy spark with this series of Joyfilled People!

Why Joyfilled People?

Well, back in the years of 2012/2013, I remember stumbling upon the Instagram of Humans of New York and being completely struck by how deep it was.

These so-called “ordinary” people offered such wisdom, such insight, and went into such depth into complex subjects that make up life sometimes.

Flash forward to present day, and I was listening to a podcast episode of The Lively Show where Bella was talking with a lady about her intution, and Bella made the brillant point that your intuition can give you the answers that no one else is able to. Your intuition is more wise, she said, then any spiritual teacher, any coach, anyone.

That may sound a bit woo to some, but it really resonated with me and when you combine that with my first experience with Humans of New York, it all combines so beautifully.

Everyone can have profound insight into joy.

What is joy? What makes it up? When do you feel joy? These can all be answered by everyone, and every single person will give a different and wonderful answer.

So, the Joyfilled People series was born.

Check out the Episode!

"Exploring joy is nothing less than exploring what makes human experience satisfying." -The Book of Joy

That is my ultimate hope for not only Joyfilled People but this whole space. Sometimes we lose our sense of joy, and sometimes we need to be reminded of our inner joy always shining through. The joy of being alive. The joy of life.

One way I’m hoping to do this is through the Joyfilled People series.

As I was talking about above, the realization that we are all endless wells of joy helped lead me to explore what and how joy shows up for each of us.

I feel Brandon Stanton–author of several books (including the aptly named Humans book!) and creator of the Humans of New York world–sums this idea up so well.

"It wasn't New York that was commanding so much attention. It was the people. It was the power of the individual story." -Brandon Stanton

There is such power in storytelling. With each person’s unique experiences, outlook, and dreams, it is wonderful to hear how every single person offers a unique view.

So, the Joyfilled People series will look a lot like the following: a Humans of New York style photograph and then a mini-interview where I simply ask the person to finish this sentence, “Joy, to me, is…”.

I can’t wait to hear what wisdom we all can learn from one another on the subject of joy!

Joy People Series



Introducing Our Joy People Series: Real Stories, Real Inspiration

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