My Top 10 Favorite Posts for 2024

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After writing this post all about your favorite posts for 2024, I realized that I had my own favorites from this year as well.

These are posts that I either loved writing, had powerful memories with or just felt like were the most aligning and fun content!

Here are my top 10 favorite posts that I wrote in 2024!

#10: Joy and Tell (Week of 12.13.24)

At my #10 slot is the “Joy and Tell” post from last week. I really loved how this post came together–it felt like it was the “wonder and cozy edition”! From Dick Van Dyke to British Bake-Off, this post just really concluded a week where I felt such a sense of warmth for life. Read the post here.

#9: Crispy Leaves and Cozy Reads:  5 Joyful Children’s Books for Autumn

My mom is a former bookstore owner, so the love for books runs deep in my family- especially children’s books. There’s just something about children’s books that while they have so few words-relatively-, they still speak such volumes. This post in particular was really fun to write for the season of autumn. Check the post out here.

#8: Welcome to TJS 2.0: The Joyfilled Seeker Takes Flight

What I love the most about this post is just that it was the first post I got to write after over a year of a website hiatus. Such pleasant memories of opening my laptop and sitting down to type out the post… I really missed it! This post is also fun because it gives a little bit of background of what was happening behind the scenes while I was on my reset break. Read this post here.

#7: Fueling My Joy-urney: The Playlist That Keeps Me Going

The #7 spot for me goes to this post about my playlist of my joy-urney. This post has been technically “written” for a while… I wrote back when I was more in the midst of a traveling joy-urney phase (can’t wait to get back to it!). Back then, I was spending a lot of time in the car driving… and thus spent a good chunk of time listening to music. These were my favorite songs that inspired pure wanderlust. Even listening to them now that I’m more stationary brings back the good memories of the open road, so it was so fun to finally push publish on this post when the new site when live! Check out the songs here.

#6: Joyfilled Book Club: December’s Pick

Here’s an overlap with your favorite posts from this year! I just really loved how this post came together. It was meant to be something entirely differently, but it just didn’t feel right. Then, one morning I decided to pick up this book that I hadn’t read since the fall… and it hit me, this is the book for December. The rest, as they say, is history. See the post here.

#5: 2024’s Most Joyful Songs: My Playlist

Another crossover of your top favorite posts for the year, this post is just such a fun one to write each year. Seeing your top songs from the year really gives you such a snapshot of your year, and this year was no exception. While this year was probably tied for my most challenging, I love that my #1 song in the post was what it is. Check out the songs here.

#4: Holiday Cheer for Little Ears: 5 Joyful Children’s Holiday Books

The fourth spot goes to this sweet post. Of all the children’s books out there, I have a special place in my heart for holiday books. There’s just something about them that remind me of the wonder and awe of this time of year. I loved writing this post-and getting to look back on some of my favorite holiday books from growing up was such a treat. See the post here.

#3: Navigating Grief with Joy: 5 Essential Resources

My #3 favorite post for me was this one about the grief resources I’ve found personally helpful on my own grief journey. Despite being a universally felt feeling, grief’s one of those emotions we tend to not want to talk about a lot. I truly hope that changes. And I hope when people think of grief, they also leave room that joy can exist as well. There’s no mutually exclusive between the two. I hope these resources offer that new viewpoint. You can check out the post here.

#2: Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New: A Festive Guide

After finding myself feeling really great about how I looked back at the past year and moved into the new year last December/January, I knew I wanted to write this post with some inspiration for others. And it has won me over as my second favorite post I wrote this last year. It’s such a fun little post, and you all seemed to love it as well as it came in as your #8 post! You can read it here.

#1: Celebrating November’s Gratitude

At the #1 spot for my favorite posts for 2024 is this post all about honoring the gratitude November brings.

There are two reasons why this was my top post to write this year: 1.) I love gratitude. It’s been a game changer in my life, so I LOVED getting to talk about it more in some depth. 2.) This post was written in total flow. Have you ever written something so in the flow that it felt like you couldn’t type the words fast enough? That was this post. My intuition just took over writing this post, and the end result felt pretty darn magical. Read the post here.

Final Reflections:

When I wrote the reflections for your top favorites post, it was somewhat easy. There was a clear picture that most favorite posts were related to the holiday season. However, looking at my own list, I don’t know if a one certain theme emerged per se.

If anything, I would say the “theme” that overarches all my top posts was just the excitement in getting to blog again.

After over a year of a break, it’s just so nice to sit down again and write these posts. I hope they resonate and serve you with joy as we move into the next year.

A Joyful Year



My Top 10 Favorite Posts for 2024

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