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As 2024 comes to a close, there’s this sense of wanting to review the year and its highs, lows and everything in between.
I’ve been feeling that with not only my personal life, but also here on The Joyfilled Seeker.
2024 saw The Joyfilled Seeker get rebranded and relaunched. It has been so fun to see what resonates with people the most since the new site went live, so I wanted to wrap up this year with highlighting the top posts you all viewed in 2024.
Here are your top 10 favorite posts from this year!
#10: Joy and Tell (Week of 11.22.24)
Coming in as your 10th most viewed post was my second “Joy and Tell” post!
After trying out “Joy and Tell” over on my Instagram stories (and not really aligning with it) this summer, I felt such a deep sense of fun and rightness writing this post and the first post back in November.
#9: Celebrating November’s Gratitude
This was my first “celebrating” post that I wrote since coming back with the website, and it came in at #9 in your most loved posts for 2024!
We often hear gratitude talked about a lot during the month of November, and I loved getting the chance to tackle this ubiquitous word for myself this post!
#8: Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New: A Festive Guide
This is just one post of several “holiday/new year” posts that you all loved this year. With ways to honor the year passing and look towards the year coming, this post is great one to check out the week between December 24th/25th festivities and the January 1st new year.
#7: Joy and Tell (Week of 12.06.24)
Your #7 post was another “Joy and Tell” series post-this time covering the first week of December.
From snowy days to Rick Steves’ Christmas, if I had to retitle this post it would probably be: Holiday Hygge. It was such a cozy post to write while a snowstorm blew around outside the windows.
#6: 10 Joyful Things About December
This was one of the earliest posts I wrote for the site, so it’s so fun to see it in your top 10 favorite posts this year.
I love that it covers a wide array of things to love about this festive month. From the traditional/more well known things loved about the month with holiday movies, New Year’s and Christmas to the lesser know (but hopefully on the horizon of being loved) aspects of St. Nicholas Day and Boxing Day, this post is always a fun one to read.
#5: 3 Joy Lessons I’ve Learned: Three Years of The Joyfilled Seeker!
If I had to pick one post that I love the most that it was in your top 10, it would most likely be this one.
The Joyfilled Seeker has been such a journey for me since I hit publish on my first post back in 2021. It’s lead to unexpected places, tested me, and grew me, and this post was the chance for me to share some of lessons this corner of the internet has taught me over three years. Thank you for checking this post out! It really means so much.
#4: 2024’s Most Joyful Songs: My Playlist
Your fourth most loved post this year was all about the tunes.
In this post, I wrote about my top 10 most listened to songs during the past year. I always have so much fun writing this post each year because of its reflective nature. “Why was my top song, my top song?” is a question I always find myself asking myself when I sit down to write this post every December.
I hope this post inspired you to take note of your own music listened to during the year!
#3: Joyfilled Book Club: December’s Pick
In your top 3 was this post about the December’s book club pick.
If you read the post, you will see that I had a totally different book picked out for the month, and I ended up changing it at the very last minute. And I’m so glad I did. This book was a great one to conclude the year and go into the next with.
#2: 10 Unexpected Gift Ideas That Will Spark Pure Joy
Perhaps with it being the season of the year where nearly everyone needs gift ideas, this post came in as your second most viewed post this year!
With fun ideas that will are meaningful, it’s a great post to check out when you are in need of gift inspiration. This post was really a fun to write-and I love that you love it so much!
#1: Animal Inspiration: 10 Creatures That Remind Us to Embrace Joy
This year, your top favorite post was all about animal symbolism! And, honestly, I understand why. It’s wonderful to look for little signs as we move through our days, and animals are a great sign to look for. From insects to the sea to the land, this post covers ten animals to keep your eyes peeled for!
Reflections from 2024
Looking back on your favorite posts from this year, there is one main theme that emerged.
Posts that kind of helped round out the year were the overwhelming favorite. Of the ten posts in this list, over half of them are December/ New Year’s focused.
You really loved getting the chance to find joy in this busy season!
With all the rush to do, do, do with the holidays, it’s so wonderful that so many of you just wanted to slow down and find some joy in what this time of year brings. And THAT is what joy is really all about, isn’t it?
Gave it a lot of thought, but just cannot choose a favorite post! I can say I love the inspiring messages, books, music, movies, celestial events! Thank you, Claire!